New Volunteer Teacher
Posted 3 năm trước by Human Resources Team

Let's warmly welcome our new volunteer teacher: Ms. Merry Anne Gracilla

Let's read more about Ms. Merry Anne Gracilla in the short introduction below:

- She is Filipino, she lives in Manila, Philippines.

- She has been working as a call center agent for more than a decade.

- She has a degree in Business Management, and a TESOL certificate.

- She started teaching English online in December 2020.

- She truly understands how learning English is important to everyone. She thinks there’s a great advantage for someone who knows how to communicate using the English language. Joining ABVN will give her an opportunity to help less privileged students to learn to speak English as a second language. She wants them to benefit from the free education and inspires them to dream about a bright future.

- Her hobbies are binge watch movies, dancing and traveling.
