Friendly and warm welcome from lovely people in Quang Nam

Posted 4 năm trước by Public Relations Department ABVN



ABVN ended June with a trip to Quang Nam province. Bingo and Misa are 2 English centers that ABVN had the chance to visit this time. This trip also ends the first half of the year journey of ABVN, please keep supporting and following us in our upcoming plans!

Bingo Center (Thang Binh, Quang Nam) is located in a small rural area. The road to the center is quite difficult because it is still in the construction process. What really impressed us was how warmly we were welcomed by the teachers and students when we arrived. The lack of opportunities cannot prevent the students’ passion for learning English. Bingo was also filled with the enthusiasm of the teachers and the students. ABVN would like to thank Bingo English Center, especially Ms. Lieu (the manager) for helping us during this meeting.



The second place ABVN visited was the Misa center (Tam Ky). Our first impression when we first met and spoke with the students was how confident and energetic they were. A couple of learning activities took place which was very lively and fun. The students learned how to pronounce words, start and maintain conversations with the native English teachers from ABVN. Hopefully, the students will keep their passion in their journey of learning English.

Over the next six months of 2020, ABVN will continue to travel to schools and centers in rural areas, giving the local students the opportunities to learn with native English teachers. 

So please contact us if you are interested in cooperating!

Thank you!


If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us at:


