Students' sharing after 3 months studying
Posted 3 tháng trước by Human Resources Team

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the feedback from our students after three months of journeying together with the project.

We are delighted to receive such positive responses from everyone. We sincerely thank you for your support and affection for the project.
Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người và văn bản cho biết 'Hoai Ngoc " @course 7/2024 Sharing teme "It is a great journey that / cannot forget when I have a wonderful time to learn at A Better Vietnam until now. .../ would like to express my sincere thanks to all the teachers at ABVN, the staff at the project who have helped Vietnamese students and me in our journey to learn a wonderful language like English."'
Hoai Ngoc's feedback, she was reveived a six-month sholarship and continued to study until this December
Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người và văn bản cho biết 'Nhu Ngoc @course 7/2024 វ "In recent times, / have experienced some positive changes within myself. feel increasingly more confident in using English, which helps me communicate better in everyday situations. .../ hope to continue developing and become a better version of myself." Sharing time'
Feedback from Nhu Ngoc
Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người và văn bản cho biết 'Thu Thanh @course 7/2024 Sharing teme "The past 3 months were really meaningful to me. have studied many classes from many teachers of ABVN who are always dedicated and passionate about helping Vietnamese students in English study journeys and improving their language skills." "...Each teacher brought a unique approach to the lessons, making the earning process enjoyable and highly effective. I'm really grateful for the knowledge ' gained and the support received during these transformative months."'
Thu Thanh's sharing, she is grateful for teacher's wisdom and knowlege
Có thể là hình ảnh về 1 người và văn bản
Hoang Nhi's feedback
We hope that in the remaining three months, you will strive to study diligently and achieve the goals you have set. Let’s create memorable experiences together and grow personally during this journey!

If you are interested in this project, please feel free to contact us at:


