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    สุมิตตา จามิคุณ 23 May 2022 19:48

    The picture that this paints of modern America is a dark one, especially for Swami who has seen a change in who normally promotes conspiracy material. “Particularly in South Asia, conspiracy theories have been a mechanism for the government to control the people. In the West, it’s typically been the opposite; they’ve been the subject of people who lack agency, who lack power, and it’s their lacking of power that gives rise to conspiracy theories to challenge the government. Like with 9/11. If people lack power, conspiracy theories can sow the seeds of social protest and allow people to ask questions.

    อ่านต่อเพิ่ม โรงเรียนวัดวังรีบุญเลิศ

    สาระสำคัญ อัลตราซาวด์


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