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    Joney best 30 Jul 2023 11:42

    MetaMask is a popular crypto wallet for Ethereum trading and it can be used on all types of the devices such as mobile and PCs. If you want to set up your MetaMask account using a PC, you can use Safari or Firefox browser to do so. However, if you have set up your wallet account using mobile and looking to access it on your PC’s Safari or Firefox browser then you can also do so easily with the help of the MetaMask extension.

    If you are not sure how to add the extension to your Mac or Windows, this page will help you to add the MetaMask extension to your Safari and Firefox browsers. Users who have installed the browser extension can easily access the MetaMask account on their PC and start trading. On the MetaMask sign-in page, you need to submit the correct password or private key details. Hopefully, you have installed the MetaMask extension on your device by referring to this post.


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