Part 1: Start a conversation with a partner. Talk about the following:


- Do you think it’s important to know about other cultures?

- How can we benefit from learning about other cultures?

- What do you think is the best way to learn about another culture?

- Do you think that learning foreign languages can help us understand foreign cultures?

- What does it mean to be polite in your culture?

- What is considered rude in your culture?

- If a group of people just came to your country from overseas, what advice would you give them?

- What is culture shock?

- What is the best/most important thing your culture/country has adopted from another culture?

- What are the five most important values of your culture? For example, family…

- What are some things that define a culture? For example, music, language, …


Part 2: Visual-based conversation.


Both students and volunteers are asked to find two visuals representing the theme of custom/culture (e.g., Google images, their own pictures): one for Vietnam and the other for the volunteer’s country (2 photos or pictures for each person). They are also asked to prepare five discussion questions for each visual image.


Part 3: 


Describe one thing that you like and one thing that you don’t like about your culture, and then try to describe one thing that you like about your student’s/volunteer’s culture.


Part 4: Free talk.