Part 1: Start a conversation with a partner. Talk about the following:


- Do you like to travel (in your holidays or free time)? Why?

- How do you feel when you travel?

- What do you like about traveling?

- Why do you travel? (purposes)

- Have you ever been on a long trip? If yes, where did you go?

- Do you like long-distance traveling?

- What form of transport do you prefer to use when you travel?

- What kind of places do you like to travel to?

- What was the most interesting place you have traveled to?

- What did you gain from that trip?

- Why do you think traveling is so popular nowadays? 

- Which country would you like to travel to in the future?

- Have you ever traveled alone?

- Do you prefer traveling alone or with friends?


Part 2: Visual-based conversation.


Both students and volunteers are asked to find two visuals representing the theme of tourism/traveling (e.g., Google images, their own pictures): one for Vietnam and the other for the volunteer’s country (2 photos or pictures for each person). They are also asked to prepare five discussion questions for each visual image.


Part 3: 


Recommend a tourist destination to foreigners coming to your country for the first time.


Part 4: Free talk.