
- Exchange intercultural information regarding gender roles.

- Raise awareness of intercultural differences in values, behavior, and ways of thinking.

- Help students reflect on their values, customs, behavior, and attitudes.

Input: Pictures (from Google) or authentic photos.

Condition: Shared information between one student and one volunteer.

Procedure: Pair work.

Predicted outcome:

- A list of at least five differences and five similarities between 2 cultures in terms of gender roles in the pictures or photos.

- Analyzing skills, problem-solving skills.


Part 1: Start a conversation with a partner. Talk about the following:


- In your country, are the responsibilities of a mother the same as the responsibilities of a father to their families?

- Are there different expectations for sons and daughters?

- In your home, who does the cooking, cleaning, and household chores?

- In your country are there more male or female managers and executives? Why do you think this is?

- Should boys and girls be treated differently by their parents?  

- Who spends more time doing homework and studying? Male students or female students?

- Who do you think has life easier, girls or guys? Why?

- Is it OK for boys or men to cry?

- Is it OK for girls or women to appear angry?

- Who works harder? Men or women?


Part 2: Visual-based conversation.


Both students and volunteers are asked to find two visuals representing the theme of gender roles (e.g., Google images, their own pictures): one for Vietnam and the other for the volunteer’s country (2 photos or pictures for each person). They are also asked to prepare five discussion questions for each visual image.


Part 3: Have a conversation about the following statement.


Gender roles are significant in society. Each person is born with a specific purpose. Gender roles as males and females are very important as each has a responsibility of its own. Both males and females have some responsibility that only a male can do, and the same is true with females. Without gender roles, there will be chaos, and people won't know what to do and their responsibility.


Part 4: Free talk.